Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on la Fête Nationale du Québec

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on la Fête nationale du Québec: 

“Today, Common Sense Conservatives join 9 million Quebecers in celebrating the French heartland of Canada, which is an indispensable part of our common home. 

“Together, we honour our country’s founding language and the 400 years of history that have defined the resilience of Quebec.  

“Through their fierce defence of their unique heritage, Quebecers have always been a shining example of what it means to stand strong and proud of one’s identity and culture – a quality that deserves the deepest respect and admiration from all Canadians. 

“I was very proud to serve under the first government to recognize the Quebec nation in 2006, and it is with renewed enthusiasm that I look forward to continuing to work with Quebec as leader of Canada’s Conservatives. 

“I send my best wishes to everyone celebrating this day across la Belle Province. Happy Fête nationale!”

La mauvaise gestion des pêches par le gouvernement Trudeau touche tout le Canada atlantique

La mauvaise gestion des pêches par le gouvernement Trudeau touche tout le Canada atlantique

Ottawa (Ontario) – Clifford Small, député de Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne ; Rick Perkins, député de South Shore-St. Margarets et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie ; John Williamson, député de Nouveau-Brunswick-Sud-Ouest ; Chris d’Entremont, député de Nova-Ouest, et l’honorable Rob Moore, député de Fundy Royal, ont fait la déclaration suivante :

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Trudeau Government’s Fisheries Mismanagement is Cutting Through Atlantic Canada

Trudeau Government’s Fisheries Mismanagement is Cutting Through Atlantic Canada

Ottawa, ON – Clifford Small, MP for Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame and Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and The Canadian Coast Guard; Rick Perkins, MP for South Shore-St. Margarets and Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry; John Williamson, MP for New Brunswick Southwest; Chris d’Entremont, MP for West Nova, and the Hon. Rob Moore, MP for Fundy Royal, released the following statement:

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